Angels’ Army

To raise a generation in faith, rooted in the love of God

Angels Army’s mission is to empower families to raise their children in faith and in the love of God, adhering to the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
silhouette of children's running on hill

April magazine

From ‘the womb to the tomb’ – is in fact the watchword. Building up a pious and holy generation – that is the aim of the Angels’ Army.

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What is Angels’ Army?

Angels’ Army is a ministry which helps children to grow up knowing and experiencing God, right from the mothers womb; and support parents in prayerfully receiving their children and bringing them up in divine grace and in communion with the catholic church.

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The figure of an angel in a golden glow. Symbol of love, invisible forces, purity, enlightenment, ministry. Guard. Place for the inscription.

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